We're Here, We Drink Beer & We're Open For Submissions

Dear Potential Readers and Contributors,

I have been tinkering with the idea of starting a literary rag for all of the poets out there that don't quite fit into the mainstream mold. So, I've finally gone and done it. This magazine is about expressing yourself. We do not restrict our publication to the confines of traditional poetry. If you write about drunken nights out, remembered or imagined, we want to see it. If you write about how society has twisted you into the puckered bitter thing you are today, we'd love to read it. If you write about torture (imagined, not real), blood, gore, horror and the likes, please send some our way. If you write about the playing video games at 2am (vague phrasing intentional), extra points for you.

So, come on in. We may like your work. Maybe we won't. There's no harm in trying.

                                                                                                                           Write On!
                                                                                                                                          The Staff

*Our first issue is tentatively scheduled to go live in July. Though this may be postponed until August depending on submissions.


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