Aberration Labyrinth - Issue #010

Hey Labrinthians,

We were really in awe of the outpouring of submissions and love we saw this time around. We also took extra time and care in preparing this new issue. You'll find our NEW permanent cover image designed by Editor, Ben Mohr. It is epic!

This issue really pulls from all directions, and we hope it brings to life something that you will all enjoy. Please feel free to leave feedback.

Also, review our different pages. There have been and will continue to be small changes in submissions, contests, etc.

I have been getting a few complaints about Green Submissions. We ask that you contact them directly if you're experiencing a problem. We're editors, not coders. That being said, if you know of any other free alternatives, we're open to suggestion. Leave your comments and ideas below.

With the volume of submissions we receive, having a submission manager is key to staying organized and on track. Since we don't charge (and don't plan to), having a free system is ideal.


-AL Staff and Editors


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