Issue #014 - Aberration Labyrinth

Dear Labyrinthians,

Welcome back! We're pleased to share Issue #014 of our magazine. This is the first issue of our new format. If you haven't poked around in our site lately, you may have missed that AL is now a quarterly publication. We were having trouble keeping up with the bi-monthly issues due to the number of submissions we've been receiving! We are thrilled to have so many interested poets, but our response time has slowed because of it. So, we have decided that a quarterly publication would be in our best interests. Our tentative publishing schedule is as follows: November, February, May, August.

What does this mean? It means that we've also elongated our publication. We're aiming for 10 page issues, but will expand beyond that if needed.

We still have a nice slush pile in Green Submissions. So, if you're waiting on a response, you are currently being considered for Issue #15 (February). We'll get through those as fast as we can.

The only other update we have is in regards to Green Submissions. Please review our guidelines. Green Submissions is a third-party software. So, we cannot troubleshoot or fix issues that you may be having. You will have to contact Green Submissions directly. We do have software purchased, but unfortunately haven't been able to get it up and running yet. So, you're going to have to make due with Green Submissions for now. We can also tell you that it IS, in fact, working. Our most recent submissions came in today. So, if you're having an issue, it is likely on your end.

For now, enjoy our new issue.

We'd also like to take a moment to remind you that our managing editor, Jessica Gleason, has a poetry collection available from Popcorn Press. Please consider supporting our commander-in-chief:



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